Medicare, Centrelink and NDIS

Bridges & Pathways/Fibromyalgia Australia are working with Project Officers to clarify eligibility and assessment criteria for Government support.
Current policy states management programs for Centrelink and National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) assessment requirements need patients to have documentation that they are ‘fully stabilised’ and ‘fully managed’.
To assist with this requirement, Fibromyalgia Australia with primary care providers, has developed the Fibromyalgia Annual Cycle of Care Program, for use by Primary Care Providers to enable patients to provide the required documentation of their proactive management.
Fibromyalgia (FMS) Management uses Medicare and Care Planning and incorporates the “Cycle of Care Checklist” to review health conditions for management and general health. It is important to complete a regular cycle of care to identify any health concerns early and discuss the best treatment options with patients.
The Fibromyalgia Checklist features core topics from generic chronic disease lifestyle management programs adapted specifically for use with Fibromyalgia patients. It provides a management template for Case Managers and patients to demonstrate they are proactively managing and coordinating Fibromyalgia multi system care over the 12 month Care Plan.
Please refer to the following links for more information